How to Repair Electrical Items

Have you decided to tackle electric repairs by yourself for the first time? Are you new to the world of DIY repairs and need some help getting started? We have the right video tutorials, top projects, and discussion boards to equip you with the knowledge, tips, and hacks you'll need to succeed. Good luck!

Making Safe Electrical Repairs

Turn the power off before starting

Switch off the electricity at your home’s breaker box. If you’re not sure which switches to flip for certain rooms, turn off the main breaker.

Get to know your electrical layout

Make sure you’re comfortable with your home’s electricity set up, and that you can identify different types of wire before making repairs.

Practise rewiring plugs

If you’ve identified a plug as the problem, ensure you rewire it with undamaged wires and the right size fuse. Practise on a spare plug first.

Dry your surrounding area

Ensure that electrical repairs are done in a dry environment. If there is damp on the appliance, wall, or floor, then don’t start working.

Avoid using metal ladders

If electrical repairs require you to use a ladder, avoid standard aluminum ladders. It is safer to use ones made of non-conductive materials.

Top DIY Electrical Repair Projects

Looking for the top projects of DIY electric repair? Look no more!

Electrical Repair Videos

Check out our DIY video tutorials on how to repair your home's electricity.

Installing CHEAP! Hanging LED Lights to Brighten a Work Space

Our shop was in dire need of new lighting. When we purchased this property the shop only had a single CFL bulb hanging from one of the ceiling joists. After working on a few other renovation jobs, I had fallen in love with LED bulbs. They are simple, damage resistant and best of all - cheap! Did I also mention they are extremely bright?

Restoring a Ruined Vintage Light

Amazing!!! Restoring a ruined vintage lighttext text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

Don't Ignore Flashing Lights - Sign of Serious Electrical Issue

This is the real life kind of DIY stories I share. I am glad I followed my gut and shut off circuit. This could have lead to fire in my home. Please don't ignore flashing lights and weird electrical occurrences. Your house is trying to talk to you!

Retrofitting a Florescent Shop Light With LED Tubes

In this video, Andrew shows you how to cut the ballast out of an old Florescent tube shop light and replace it with an LED tube. Note: these instructions do no work for fixtures with a shunted or Instant Start (IS) Ballast.

New Electrical Repair Projects

We've collected our new DIY electric repair projects. Have a look around.